There has been talk of a 'blook' [book + blog = blook] based on the Copenhagen Cycle Chic blog and while it is well on the way, it is a larger undertaking than I first anticipated. Choosing a publisher, selecting photos, writing text. All exciting and yet time-consuming.
I was playing around with some self-publishing websites to see what they had to offer and I suddenly decided upon a theme for a photo book. I have many photos of zebra crossings [crosswalks to some] on Flickr and I have now gathered the best of them in a book of 135 photos of zebra crossings from 10 countries.
"Stripey Streetness - Zebra Crossing Moods" is the title, taken from a group on Flickr that I started for the purpose of providing a showcase of the best shots from around the world featuring these stripey zones.
"A splendid photo series about the zebra crossing as an instantly recognisable symbol in the urban landscape. 130 photographs from 10 countries celebrating that striped zone created in order to keep people out of harm's way by providing safe passage across city streets. Painted bridges that guide the bustling masses of pedestrians through a city.
The zebra crossing is not a destination it itself but it is an important tool in getting yourself from A to B. It funnels all types of people together into one space, for a few brief minutes of togetherness. We are strangers but while waiting for the light to change and for those dozen or so steps through the zone we are in a flock.
This photo series shows city life and city people framed within the zebra crossing. People coming and going and waiting. All of them telling us stories with their body language. Wide strides or short steps. Hunched shoulders or head held high. The zebra crossing becomes a stage on which people around the world are brought together."
Most of the photos are taken in Copenhagen so there is ample opportunity to see a splash of cycle chic. The book is available online at Lulu.com. Just in time for Christmas... :-)
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