Topshop is is the current leader of the Cycle Chic peloton with this brand new advert featuring pure Copenhagenesque Cycle Chic.
"This season green is the new black and bicycles are the only wheels to be rocking up in."
Indeed. Nice one, Topshop. Our only minor regret is that it isn't a Danish bicycle, but we can live with that just this once.
It's adverts like this that help generate not only pure Cycle Chic but also pure bike culture. Some people can get with the former, but everyone can get with the latter. Presenting the bicycle as a normal, easy and fun form of transport to an impressionable generation is brilliant. London cycle chic extraordinaire. In many ways, this video sums up everything we try to portray here at Copenhagen Cycle Chic and we're loving this little love-in we have with Topshop.
![Topshop RideRideRide Video](
Here are some stills from the video for your perusal.
One thing is certain, Boris Johnson, the new Lord Mayor of London would love this video. As do we.
![Topshop RideRideRide Video](
The video is also available on Youtube.
Ride on. And have a giggle at the poor soul Jamie Caddick who wrote this letter to the editor in the Bristol Evening Post. Be sure to write a comment.
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