Another Sunday round of Guest Photos and even more guest art. Enjoy.
Baton Rouge, Lousiana, USA - Christopher looking dapper on his fine ride.
Laura in Chicago was inspired by one of our photos and produced the splendid artwork above - based on the photo below. Thanks for showing us, Laura! It's lovely.
California, USA - from Alan.
A drawing from the very lovely Parimal in India - read her other contribution here on cycling in India.
Dear Friends,
I love pictures of victorian women riding on bicycles, but the kind of angle and effect I wanted to capture were nowhere to be found. So I got to work using a stiff paper, dark and light pencils, eraser, and a magnifying glass. The magic I have created is there for you to see and admire. I have named the picture "ELIZABETH RIDES A BICYCLE" : it shows a young English lady riding happily while she waves to a friend. It is supposed to be a classic picture, dating back to the 1920s or so. The image was scanned, and contrast and colour balance adjusted to give the sepia tone you see.
Next time you find something that takes your fancy and is difficult to shoot, try using art to get the effect you want. And best of luck !!
Best regards, Parimal
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